July 06
• Edited (Jul 07, 2024)

Wondering what's going on this week at ROL? 🤔 7/7/24

Gi All Levels

Welcome to week #17 - This week at Gi All Levels, our focus is on mastering escapes and transitions. We'll begin with the Head Lock Escape (Bend Down) to help you effectively free yourself from head locks. Next, we'll practice the Transition from Side to Back Control, ensuring smooth movement into a dominant position. Finally, we'll work on the Side Control Escape using the Belt Grip technique. Get ready for an exciting and educational week on the mats at Gi All Levels!

Gi Intermediate

Week 19: Back Control - Transition to Back Control

This week in Gi Intermediate, we are focusing on Back Control. Our primary goal will be mastering the Transition to Back Control, ensuring you can smoothly and effectively move into this dominant position. Prepare for an exciting week of skill development and practical training on the mats!

Gi Advanced

Block 3 - Closed Guard - Week 1 - Scissor Sweep

  • Scissor Sweeps

  • Scissor Sweep Counters

NoGi Intermediate

Join us for week #21 - Turtle

This week in NoGi Intermediate, we're diving into techniques from the Turtle Position. We'll start with the Front Guillotine Escape (re-guard), where you'll learn to escape and regain a better position. Next, we'll cover the Front Guillotine Escape (sit-out), focusing on creating space and breaking free. Finally, we'll work on applying the Guillotine Choke from Turtle, adding an effective submission to your arsenal. Get ready for an engaging and detailed week of training on the mats!

  • Front Guillotine Escape (re-guard)

  • Front Guillotine Escape (sit-out)

  • Guillotine Choke from Turtle

NoGi Advanced

Block 3 - Turtle - Week 2 - Seat Belt

  • Hip High

  • Underhook

  • Fatman Roll


Muay Thai Curriculum - Teep Series Week 6

  • Catching the Teep Kick

  • Counters with Striking

Stand and Drill

Level-up your stand up game this week as we will be going over:

  • Power Throws

No need to feel apprehensive about starting on your feet - Let’s grow that confidence together - See you on the mats!


Welcome to week #3 - This week in Women's class, we have an effective and powerful sequence to go over, each technique seamlessly flowing into the next.

❗❗** Announcements **❗❗

Want to add a little more to your Jiu Jitsu? Check out this video that nicely compliments this week's techniques in ALL Levels


UPCOMING Team Competition

Grappling Industries 


When: Saturday, July 13th

Where: Oak Lawn Pavilion

Early registration - $90 thru June 29

Adam Maslach Workshop

Truck from Turtle series

Free to ROL students

30 min open mat afterwards

When: Thursday, July 11th at 7pm in lieu of Adult NoGi Intermediate class