September 18, 2023

Top mount is one of the most dominant positions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and submission grappling. In this position, the top practitioner sits astride their opponent's chest and abdomen, effectively pinning them to the ground. The top mount position provides superior control and leverage, making it a favored choice for those looking to advance their position or seek submissions.

One of the primary objectives of top mount is to immobilize the opponent and maintain control. The top player typically uses their knees to squeeze the opponent's torso and hips, preventing them from escaping or bridging effectively. Maintaining a strong base and a low center of gravity is crucial to staying balanced and difficult to sweep or escape from. Additionally, the top player can use their arms to control the opponent's upper body, limiting their ability to defend against submissions.

From top mount, there are various attacks and submission options available. Common attacks include strikes, such as punches and elbows, which can be utilized in self-defense or mixed martial arts (MMA) contexts. In BJJ, practitioners often seek submissions like the armbar, collar choke, or the classic Americana lock, taking advantage of the superior control and leverage offered by the top mount position.

Defending against top mount is challenging but not impossible. The bottom player must focus on escaping the position by using hip movement, framing, and creating space to regain guard or recover to a more advantageous position. Escaping from top mount often requires a combination of technical skill, timing, and patience, as the top player's control is strong, and mistakes can lead to submissions or further disadvantageous positions. In summary, top mount in Jiu-Jitsu is a dominant position offering control and offensive opportunities, while also presenting a challenging puzzle for the bottom player to solve in their quest for escape or recovery.