Russell Usauskas

Jan 21 at 07:53 AM

Having coaching goals is great! Plus I think the kids will see your overall health and well being goals.

Jan 21 at 07:51 AM

Advanced gi will continue our lasso exploration with a focus on attacks this week. 

One thing to keep in mind with week is how your partner reacts when you set up an attack. Sometimes this will lead to an opening for one of the previous weeks attacks!


Jan 14 at 07:57 AM

I can help with the wrist locks!

Jan 13 at 10:27 AM

I can share 2 things I have in store for 2025. 

First, I make it a goal to hit a different gym each year. Finding a new gym to visit will be on the list.

Second, I'm making purposeful studying off the mats more of a priority. This will help with both teaching and my own knowledge base. I'm starting with a small weekly goal for targeted watching of YouTube, instructionals, ROLtv, or other sources. 



Jan 13 at 10:24 AM

Question of the week!

Piggyback off my question from 2 weeks ago, what are you planning to work on, what are you excited to work on, or do you have an upcoming jiu jitsu related trip or seminar you are looking forward to? 

What's happening in 2025 with your training?


Jan 13 at 09:15 AM

Advanced gi is continuing our lasso block. Last week we introduced the idea of a deep vs shallow lasso and a basic sweep. 

Let build on our partners reactions and add in some more sweeping options. 


Jan 06 at 10:56 AM

I feel like I've had a few different ones. There are 2 that really stick out. 

The first one was watching blue belts as a very new white belt. They took a much more calm an calculated approach. This is when I knew early on the importance of staying calm. Plus it I noticed how they conserved energy.

I very much remember "aha" moment number 2. I was rolling with a brown belt at the time named Henry. He was using his feet as a second set of hands. That's when I realized how much of a game changer this could be. 

Jan 06 at 09:16 AM

First advanced gi class of the year i plan to really rope everyone in as we start lasso guard 😂This will be a good topic for advanced gi, as lasso is a very gi heavy position and we have spent a lot of time working techniques that can be gi or no gi. 

Never tried lasso? This is going to be the perfect opportunity!


Jan 02 at 07:42 AM

I also always love when Adam visits. 


Dec 30 at 10:12 AM

I have a hard time picking between 3 things as they are all great. Receiving my black belt was huge one that goes without saying. Getting to take over the advance gi class with the freedom to design the curriculum has been a fun challenge.

I attended the kids graduation event this year too. Hands down one of the most positive and encouraging events you could be part of!
